"Marriage and Sword" is a typical historical romance with a strong female lead. According to Anime-Planet, it was written by Saha and drawn by Canaria. It has around 50 chapters and can be found on Tapas. The plot: The story follows a Korean girl who seems to have reincarnated into a broke noble family named Targael and now has to go through a marriage of convenience. The guy even pulls out a contract, so I thought it was going to be one of those stories. However, it's revealed that the girl is not a damsel in distress at all. In her previous life, she was a fencer, and the family she was born into has a talent for swords. She has inherited that talent and moonlighted as a mercenary, saving her future husband twice and making quite an impact. Although this is an Isekai story, other than mentioning it, there isn't any relevance to the plot. It's more than just hide and seek Although there is some fighting, this is purely a romance story. The author manages to intro...